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Julie Compton
Elementary Teacher - Reg
Reeds Road Elementary School
(609) 748-1250, x 1509
Karen Conaway
Classroom Asst.
Reeds Road Elementary School
(609) 748-1250, x 1532
Alexander Conaway
Elementary Teacher - Reg
Roland Rogers Elementary School
(609) 748-1250, x 2039
Brian Conover
MS Teacher - Reg
Galloway Township Middle School
(609) 748-1250, x 5515
Joseph Conte
Social Worker
Reeds Road Elementary School
(609) 748-1250, x 1537
Amy Cooper
Classroom Asst.
Reeds Road Elementary School
(609) 748-1250, x 1568
Riley Cordero
Substitute Teacher
(609) 748-1250
Amanda Cornell
Elementary Teacher - Reg
Roland Rogers Elementary School
(609) 748-1250, x 2049
Leslie Costa
Substitute Teacher
(609) 748-1250
Kristen Costantino
Elementary Teacher - SE
Galloway Township Middle School
(609) 748-1250, x 5508
Denise Costello
MS Teacher - Reg
Galloway Township Middle School
(609) 748-1250, x 5535
Catherine Cozzan
Substitute Teacher
(609) 748-1250
Lauren E. Craig
Elementary Teacher - Reg
Arthur Rann Elementary School
(609) 748-1250, x 4339
Linda Crowe
Classroom Asst.
Roland Rogers Elementary School
(609) 748-1250, x 2005
Susan Cruz
Social Worker
Roland Rogers Elementary School
(609) 748-1250, x 2006
Rosario Cuba
Substitute Teacher
(609) 748-1250
Santa Cuevas Ferreras
Cafeteria Worker
(609) 748-1250
Samantha Cunningham
Elementary Teacher - Reg
Arthur Rann Elementary School
(609) 748-1250, x 4344
Donna Cushlanis
Admin Asst. Student Services: Special Ed
District Office
(609) 748-1250, x 1623
Matthew DaCosta Lobo
Classroom Asst.
Roland Rogers Elementary School
(609) 748-1250, x 2027