The Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act
To: Parents & Guardians
From: Lauren Murray, Supervisor of Food Service
Date: December 2013
Re: Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act 2010
The Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act (HHFKA) is an initiative of Michele Obama to reduce childhood obesity and its long range detrimental effects on health & wellness. (Read more about the HHFKA here)
The HHFKA is a five year plan of new regulations which impact our school breakfast, lunch and after school snack programs. The information on required changes is often late from the state agency.
Here is a brief summary as of this date:
Milk must be skim if flavored and white milk is to be encouraged before chocolate.
Juice can no longer substitute for milk if allergic or intolerant.
Grains served must be 50% whole grain rich this year and 100% whole grain next year. This year, bread products are all wheat.
Fruit component includes 100% juice and must be limited to only 50% of total fruit offerings. (Fruit juice will only be offered as part of lunch on Tuesdays and Thursdays beginning in January)
Students are required to have a fruit or vegetable on their tray. Our goal is to offer fresh daily.
Vegetables now have 5 sub-groups (red/orange, dark green, beans, starchy and other). All 5 sub-groups are required to be on planned menu and offered every week)
The HHFKA also requires an Offer vs. Serve Policy:
The Breakfast Menu will offer 4 components (Milk, Fruit/Juice, Grain & Protein). Every student is required to take 3 of 4 items offered.
The Lunch Menu will be written to include 5 components (Milk, Fruit, Veg., Grain & Protein). Every lunch tray must have 3 of 5 foods with 1 fruit or vegetable.
A Child Nutrition & Wellness Committee is now forming. If you would like to participate, please contact me at: Email Murrayla
I believe nutritious meals are served by our "lunch ladies" and they are a good value. We appreciate your support as the department must generate sufficient revenue to cover all expenses incurred including: salaries, benefits, pension, food, paper supplies, repairs and new equipment as needed.
Please contact me with any questions or concerns using my email address.