Registration Information


The below information will provide you with detailed information regarding your child's eligibility to attend school in this district in accordance with New Jersey Law. Please be aware that N.J.S.A. 18A:38-1 and N.J.A.C. 6A:22 require that a free public education be provided to school students between the ages of 5 and 20, and to certain students under 5 and over 20 as specified in other applicable law. A student is eligible:

  • if they are domiciled within the school district. A home is permanent when parent, guardian or adult student intends to return to it when absent and has no present intent on moving from it, notwithstanding the existence of homes or residences elsewhere. Click HERE to view N.J.A.C. 6A:22-3.1 which details further "Students Domiciled within the school District" when parents/guardians are domiciled in two different districts.

  • when they are living with a person, other than the parent or guardian, who is domiciled in the district and is supporting the student without compensation, as if the student were his or her own child, because the parent cannot support the child due to family or economic hardship. See "Additional Registration Documents" for "Student Affidavit Forms".

  • if they are living with a person domiciled in the district, other than the parent or guardian, where the parent/guardian is a member of the New Jersey National Guard or the reserve component of the U.S. armed forces and has been ordered into active military status in the U.S. armed forces in the time of war or national emergency.

  • if their parent/guardian who previously resided in the district but is a member of the NJ National Guard or the US reserves and has been ordered to active service in time of war or national emergency, resulting in relocation of the student, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:38-3(b).

  • if they are living with a parent or guardian who is temporarily residing in the district.

  • if the parent or guardian moves to another district as a result of being homeless.

  • if they are placed in the home of a district resident by court order pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:38-2.

  • if they reside on federal property within the state pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:38-7.7 et seq.

Note that "guardian" means a person whom a court of competent jurisdiction has awarded guardianship or custody of a child, provided that a residential custody order shall entitle a child to attend school in the residential custodian's school district subject to a rebuttable presumption that the child is actually living with such custodian; it also means Department of Children and Families for purposes of N.J.S.A. 18A:38-1(e). Also note that a student is entitled to attend school in the district of domicile notwithstanding that the student is qualified to attend school in a different district as an "affidavit" student or temporary resident.

Note that the following do not affect a student's eligibility to enroll in school:

  • Physical condition of housing or compliance with local housing ordinances or terms of lease

  • Immigration/visa status, except for students holding or seeking a visa (F-1) issued specifically for the purpose of limited study on a tuition basis in a United States Public school

  • Absence of a certified copy of birth certificate or other proof of a student's identity, although these must be provided within 30 days of initial enrollment pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:36-25.1

  • Absence of student medical information, although actual attendance at school may be deferred as necessary in compliance with rules regarding immunization of students, N.J.A.C. 8:57-4.1 et seq.

  • Absence of a student's prior educational record, although the initial placement of the student may be subject to revision upon receipt of records or further assessment by the district

Enrollment/Registration Documents:

In preparation for the on-line registration process, please prepare the following items:

  • Birth Certificate (Original may need to be provided within 30 days of enrollment)

  • Street Address (see Proof of Residency information below)

  • Health and Medical Information

    • I - Health/Medical Questionnaire

      • These questions are part of our online registration process. Please answer fully as your responses will be reviewed by your child's school nurse.

    • II - Immunization Records

    • III: Universal Health Record PDF

      • A physician signed physical examination is required for all students upon enrollment. If you have this documentation please upload it, otherwise you will need to provide it within 30 days upon enrollment to the school nurse. The physical examination must be performed no more than one year prior to the first date of attendance.

      • Students transferring into a New Jersey school from out-of-state or out-of-country may be allowed a 30-day period to obtain.

      • Please see the GTMS Sports Physical Packet for physical exam information for students in Grade 7 & 8 if your child plans to play a sport. This packet is updated annually.

  • Proofs of Residency - See "Proof of Residency" section below

  • Withdrawal Form/Transfer Form from Previous School - If applicable

  • Current Report Card - If applicable

  • Current IEP/504 - If applicable

  • Court Orders/Custody Documentation - If applicable

Proof of Residency

The following forms of documentation may demonstrate a student's eligibility for enrollment in the district. Particular documentation necessary to demonstrate eligibility under specific provisions in the law will be indicated in the appropriate section.

SPECIAL NOTE: Please ensure submitted documents are the most current
or within 60 days of the date of submission.

For on-line registration purposes, please upload (4) of the items below. If a tax bill/lease agreement/mortgage agreement is uploaded, only two (2) additional documents are needed from the list below.

  • Property tax bills, deeds, contracts of sale, leases, mortgages, signed letters from landlords and other evidence of property ownership, tenancy or residency

    • RESIDENCY AFFIDAVITS (If applicable):


        • Owner of home completes if you are living in their home and they are living there with you.

        • This document requires notarization.

        • Owner of home must provide the additional residency documents for online submission.


        • Owner of home completes if you are living in their home without a lease and they do not live there.

        • This document requires notarization.

        • Owner of home must provide the additional residency documents for online submission.

  • Voter registrations, licenses, permits, financial account information, utility bills, delivery receipts, and other evidence of personal attachment to a particular location

  • Court orders, State agency agreements and other evidence of court or agency placements or directives

  • Receipts, bills, cancelled checks and other evidence of expenditures demonstrating personal attachment to a particular location, or, where applicable, to support of the student

  • Medical reports, counselor or social worker assessments, employment documents, benefit statements, and other evidence of circumstances demonstrating, where applicable, family or economic hardship, or temporary residency

  • Affidavits, certifications and sworn attestations pertaining to statutory criteria for school attendance, from the parent, guardian, person keeping an "affidavit student," adult student, person(s) with whom a family is living, or others as appropriate

  • Documents pertaining to military status and assignment

  • Any business record or document issued by a governmental entity

  • Any other form of documentation relevant to demonstrating entitlement to attend school

The totality of information and documentation you offer will be considered in evaluating an application to the district, and, unless expressly required by law, the student will not be denied enrollment based on your inability to provide certain form(s) of documentation where other acceptable evidence is presented.

You will not be asked for any information or document protected by disclosure from law, or pertaining to criteria which are not legitimate bases for determining eligibility to attend school. You may voluntarily disclose any document or information you believe will establish that the student meets the requirements of law for entitlement to attend school in the district, but we may not, directly, or indirectly, require or request:

  • Income tax returns

  • Documentation/information relating to citizenship or immigration/visa status, unless the student holds or is applying for an F-1 visa

  • Documentation/information relating to compliance with local housing ordinances or conditions of tenancy

  • Social security numbers


Admission of Homeless Children 

Galloway Township Public Schools is committed to educating homeless children and youth. Homeless children and youth shall not be stigmatized or segregated on the basis of their status as homeless. Students who, due to a lack of permanent housing, live in inadequate or temporary settings, who meet the criteria for the McKinney-Vento definition of homelessness have special educational rights.

Such settings include:

  • Emergency or transitional shelters

  • Motels, hotels, or campgrounds

  • Cars, parks, public places, or abandoned buildings

  • Doubled up with relatives or friends

For assistance in registering a homeless child, please contact Katie Geary, School Registrar, at 609-748-1250, x1015.

Admission of Children of Migratory Workers

  • A child is considered "migratory" if their parent or guardian is a migratory worker in the agricultural, dairy, lumber, or fishing industries and the family has moved during the past three years. A "qualifying" move can range from moving across school district boundaries to moving from one state to another for the purpose of finding temporary or seasonal employment.

  • Eligibility is established through an interview conducted by a Migrant Education recruiter who visits both home and employment locations where migrant workers are employed.

  • If you have questions about whether you may quality, please contact Katie Geary, District Registrar, at 609-748-1250, x1015.

If you are unable to produce any of the documents listed above, please contact Katie Geary, Registrar, for information about alternative documents that can be provided in lieu of the documents listed above. Ms. Geary can be reached by email at Email Ms. Geary and/or phone at 609-748-1250, x1015. Please leave a voice message and your call will be returned.

  • If circumstances prevent you from uploading the documents above, hard copies of registration documents can be mailed or may be dropped off at the district office's drop box. The address of the district office is 101 South Reeds Road, Galloway, NJ 08205.

  • DISTRICT DROP BOX: Please place all documentation in one envelope with your child's full name and Date of Birth.

Note: For assistance registering a child who was not born in the United States or speaks a language other than English, or if the documents needed for school registration were issued in a foreign country, contact Katie Geary at 609-748-1250, x1015 or Email Ms. Geary after submission of your online registration.

Please be aware that any initial determination of the student's eligibility to attend school in this district is subject to more thorough review and subsequent re-evaluation, and that tuition may be assessed in the event that an initially admitted student is later found ineligible. If your student is found ineligible, now or later, you will be provided the reasons for our decision and instructions on how to appeal.