Curriculum & Instruction

Meeting the Standard of Excellence
This motto guides the work of our department as we seek to provide a comprehensive education for all our students. The Galloway Township Public Schools are proud of our staff that provide a positive learning environment, effective instruction, and enriching experiences for our students. Moreover, we are equally as proud of our students' achievements in every facet of school life--from academics to citizenship to performances and athletics.

NJ Standards
In New Jersey, teaching and learning are driven by the New Jersey Student Learning Standards which identify content and skill expectations for our students in English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, World Language, Visual and Performing Arts, and Physical Education/Health. Using these standards, along with the "standard of excellence", our department engages in tasks such as curriculum development, instructional material selection, analysis of student achievement data, creation of enrichment and intervention programs for students, technology integration, training for our faculty/staff, and informational programs for our parents/guardians.

Our Key Principles
Beyond the standards indicated above, there are several key principles that guide our work. These principles are based upon our collective experiences as educators combined with the latest research in effective education. Over the course of a marking period, these principles will serve to guide their teaching and enhance student learning.

   * Student engagement
   * Social emotional learning
   * Critical thinking and problem solving
   * Inquiry-based hands on learning
   * Differentiated instruction
   * Equity

Our Site
As you browse our webpage, you will meet our Curriculum Directors, and learn about the Galloway Township Public Schools curriculum, key programs, and current initiatives. Parents/guardians are encouraged to remain informed about and active in their child's education.