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J. Nicole Naylor
MS Teacher - SE
Galloway Township Middle School
(609) 748-1250, x 5312
Nicole Neville
School Psychologist
Pomona Preschool
(609) 748-1250, x 4430
Jennifer Newby
Smithville Elementary School
(609) 748-1250, x 4602
David Newman
Elementary Teacher - SE
Roland Rogers Elementary School
(609) 748-1250, x 2156
Samantha Nguyen
Classroom Asst.
Reeds Road Elementary School
(609) 748-1250, x 5412
Joy Nixon
Business Administrator
District Office
(609) 748-1250, x 1014
Victoria Nortez
Cafeteria Worker
(609) 748-1250
Nancy Novellino
Substitute Nurse
(609) 748-1250
Johanna O'Brien
Elementary Teacher - Reg
Arthur Rann Elementary School
(609) 748-1250, x 4352
Terrence O'Connor
Asst. Principall Elementary School
Arthur Rann Elementary School
(609) 748-1250, x 4390
Jessica Oeser
Classroom Asst.
Roland Rogers Elementary School
(609) 748-1250, x 2079
Carly O'Hagan
Elementary Teacher - SE
Smithville Elementary School
(609) 748-1250, x 4674
Stephanie Ohlsson
Elementary Teacher - Reg
Roland Rogers Elementary School
(609) 748-1250, x 2074
John O'Kane
Elementary Teacher - SE
Roland Rogers Elementary School
(609) 748-1250, x 2079
Kathleen Oliver
Cafeteria Worker
Galloway Township Middle School
(609) 748-1250, x 5002
Andrea Olley
Classroom Asst.
Pomona Preschool
(609) 748-1250, x 4403
Lauren O'Neill
Elementary Teacher - SE
Reeds Road Elementary School
(609) 748-1250, x 1564
Anthony Orlando
Classroom Asst.
Galloway Township Middle School
(609) 748-1250, x 5208
Robert Orlowski
Elementary Teacher - SE
Reeds Road Elementary School
(609) 748-1250, x 1555
Daniel Ortega
Night Custodian Supervisor
Galloway Township Middle School
(609) 748-1250, x 5162