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Robin Moore
Elementary School Principal
Roland Rogers Elementary School
(609) 748-1250, x 2043
Laura Morelli
Substitute Teacher
(609) 748-1250
Michael Morrell
Substitute Teacher
(609) 748-1250
Jeffrey Morris
MS Teacher - Reg
Galloway Township Middle School
(609) 748-1250, x 5408
Veronica Morton
Elementary Teacher - Reg
Reeds Road Elementary School
(609) 748-1250, x 1567
Annamarie MoSchoolella
Cafeteria Worker
Arthur Rann Elementary School
(609) 748-1250, x 5002
Paul Mosetti
Night Custodian Supervisor
Roland Rogers Elementary School
(609) 748-1250, x 4684
Dorena Motta
Substitute Teacher
(609) 748-1250
Caroline Muller
Classroom Asst.
Smithville Elementary School
(609) 748-1250, x 4649
Kathleen Mullins
Cafeteria Worker
Galloway Township Middle School
(609) 748-1250
Michelle Munoz
Substitute Custodian
(609) 748-1250
Patricia Murray
PreK Teacher
Pomona Preschool
(609) 748-1250, x 4402
Lauren Murray
Food Service Supervisor
District Office
(609) 748-1250, x 5046
Victoria Musitano
Classroom Asst.
Reeds Road Elementary School
(609) 748-1250, x 1521
Erin Muzyka
Roland Rogers Elementary School
(609) 748-1250, x 2029
Mary Lou Nace
Payroll Specialist
District Office
(609) 748-1250, x 1018
Elizabeth Napoli
Director of Curriculum & Instruction
District Office
(609) 748-1250, x 1047
Frederick Napoli
Substitute Teacher
(609) 748-1250
Jennifer Nash
Arthur Rann Elementary School
(609) 748-1250, x 4392
Tarus Nattiel
Substitute Custodian
(609) 748-1250