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Robert Kershenblatt
Classroom Asst.
Galloway Township Middle School
(609) 748-1250, x 5111
Madison Kertz
MS Teacher - Reg
Galloway Township Middle School
(609) 748-1250, x 5301
Fehmeedah Khan
Substitute Teacher
(609) 748-1250
Aliza Khan
Substitute Secretary
(609) 748-1250
Jessica Kirby
Substitute Secretary
(609) 748-1250
Gary KirSchoolenmann
Network Engineer
(609) 748-1250, x 1025
Thomas Kivlin
MS Teacher - Reg
Galloway Township Middle School
(609) 748-1250, x 5207
Andrzej Klimczak
Maintenance Worker
(609) 748-1250, x 5122
Diane Klotz
Cafeteria Worker
Smithville Elementary School
(609) 748-1250, x 4613
Cheryl Knabe
Elementary Teacher - Reg
Reeds Road Elementary School
(609) 748-1250, x 1528
Dawn Kolbe
Classroom Asst.
Pomona Preschool
(609) 748-1250, x 4413
Cynthia Krauthause
Pomona Preschool
(609) 748-1250, x 4445
Matthew Kraybill
MS Teacher - Reg
Galloway Township Middle School
(609) 748-1250, x 5202
Roseann Kronk
Arthur Rann Elementary School
(609) 748-1250, x 4300
Kevin Krumaker
MS Teacher - Reg
Galloway Township Middle School
(609) 748-1250, x 5307
Angela Kucharski
Cafeteria Worker
Pomona Preschool
(609) 748-1250, x 4409
Karen Kupp
MS Teacher - Reg
Galloway Township Middle School
(609) 748-1250, x 5410
Katie Kuras
Elementary Teacher - Reg
Roland Rogers Elementary School
(609) 748-1250, x 2075
Richard Kurtz
Substitute Custodian
(609) 748-1250
Lynn Kyle
Substitute Secretary
(609) 748-1250