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Michele Thompson
Social Worker
Galloway Township Middle School
(609) 748-1250, x 5011
Courtney Thompson
School Psychologist
Arthur Rann Elementary School
(609) 748-1250
Kiera Tidcombe
Substitute Teacher
(609) 748-1250
Irene Tjoumakaris
MS Teacher - SE
Galloway Township Middle School
(609) 748-1250, x 5411
Laura Todd
PreK Teacher
Smithville Elementary School
(609) 748-1250, x 4662
Jennifer Tompkins
Elementary Teacher - Reg
Reeds Road Elementary School
(609) 748-1250, x 1545
Stefanie Tripician
MS Teacher - Reg
Galloway Township Middle School
(609) 748-1250, x 5105
Kimberly Trofa
Cafeteria Worker
(609) 748-1250
Krista Troy
Classroom Asst.
Galloway Township Middle School
(609) 748-1250, x 5412
Robert Truppa
MS Teacher - SE
Galloway Township Middle School
(609) 748-1250, x 5111
Courtney Tuers
Ed. Interpreter
(609) 748-1250, x 4664
Jennifer Turner
Elementary Teacher - Reg
Reeds Road Elementary School
(609) 748-1250, x 1550
Jennifer Uthoff
Elementary Teacher - Reg
Smithville Elementary School
(609) 748-1250, x 4679
Laurie Valentino
Substitute Teacher
(609) 748-1250
Joseph Valver
Coordinator of Technology
District Office
(609) 748-1250, x 1020
Helen Vanikiotis
Classroom Asst.
Reeds Road Elementary School
(609) 748-1250, x 1515
Brittni VanOstenbridge
MS Teacher - Reg
Galloway Township Middle School
(609) 748-1250, x 5106
Rocio Vargas
Substitute Teacher
(609) 748-1250
Yenny Vasquez
Cafeteria Worker
Smithville Elementary School
(609) 748-1250
Tawney Venafro
PreK Teacher
Reeds Road Elementary School
(609) 748-1250, x 1528