Family School Association

Family -School Association Executive Board

President - Caitlin Stenson
Vice President - Lauren Dombchewsky
Treasurer - Carolyn Kelly
Corresponding Secretary - Meghan Martin

Join the FSA Now!

FSA Monthly Newsletters

The Arthur Rann Family School Association offers a great chance to get involved in our school community! The FSA proudly hosts fun events like Paint Night, Candy Bar Bingo, and Movie Night - just to name a few! We also host dances and fundraisers, sponsor the Book Fair and Holiday Shoppe, bring in fun and engaging school assemblies, host staff appreciation events, and much, much more! 

Our goal is to provide unique and exciting opportunities to bring staff, students, and families together. The Family School Association hosts meetings once a month in the school library and accepts new members on a rolling basis. 

We encourage all families to join for just $5.00 using the membership form at the link below.

For more information, please visit our Facebook page @Arthur Rann Family School Association or email us directly at We would love to hear from you! 

Upcoming Events

2/9 - FSA Sweetheart Dance 6-8PM

2/22 - FSA General Meeting 7:00 PM Library

2/23 - FSA Family Game Night 6-8 PM